HUB Creatic - La Chantrerie (44) I Yellow pine ignifugé dans la masse par Woodenha Industries I Conçu, réalisé et posé par Métalobil I Création : Tetrac

HUB Creatic

The Hub Creatic building, set up at the heart of Nantes Chantrerie innovation park (near the major Polytech’Nantes schools, Ecoles des Mines, Ecole du Bois, ICAM, Design School, ONIRIS …) aims to become a place of exchange and cross-fertilization between innovative companies and higher education and research establishments.

The adornment of the atrium of the Hub Creatic made of fire-retardant Yellow Pine develops in a clever undulating and angular geometry.

Architect : Tetrarc
Engineering & Design / Site work : Métalobil
Real Estate : Nantes Métropole Aménagement
Photos & 3D : Metalobil